Carol singing in the churchyard at 7 pm on 20th Dec Photos by various
On Friday 11th December Halfcut came to present their take on Dickens' A Christmas Carol in the church Photos by Kay Coope
After Morning Worship on Sunday 21st November 2021 the Churchwardens, Graham Webb and John Ray presented Jill Marshall with a card and a picture of Broughton Church as a memento, and to thank her, for all the work she has done over the past almost fifty years for the church and for the parish. Jill did a lengthy spell as church Treasurer, served on the PCC and was also a sidesman. She was on the Parish Council, a member of the WI and an invaluable helper at church and village social functions. Over the years she has been a faithful and dedicated member of the congregation. We wished her every happiness in her move to Devon to be near family.
At the Remembrance Service on 14th November 2021 Margaret Webb was presented with a certificate by the chairman of the St Ives branch of the Royal British Legion, Mike Robertson, for her stalwart work and support for the RBL over the last fifty years.
On Saturday 9th October we had a working party to clear away a lot of the growth in the churchyard and clean out the bell chamber. There must have been more then thirty people there. Here are some of them.
Produce show - 4th September
Village barbecue - 28th August photos by Louise Basham
Half Cut Theatre group's production of Treasure Island by R L Stevenson 30th July
Broughton was very pleased to help host another Half Cut production. This was planned to be held in The Crown's garden but in the event the weather did not look promising so it was held in the church.
Half Cut Theatre performing Twelfth Night at The Crown, Broughton on 4th June
A group of some 25 people went litter picking on 24th April. Here are some of them.
That was Saturday. And then on the following Tuesday . . . . . !!!.
Shovellers freeing an ambulance in 1947 snows photo courtesy of Stephen Castle

Herbert (Spasms) Adams, Ben Pepper, ?, Ernest (Strappy) Moulds, Ernie Tuck, Jack Pettit, Joe Hall, Eddie (Yepp) Bryant, Bill Behagg, Ernie Watts, Mick/Tim Harding
Ambulance was taking Bernard Perry to isolation hospital because he had scarlet fever.
Ambulance was taking Bernard Perry to isolation hospital because he had scarlet fever.