Charts showing monthly rainfall in this area for the last 48 years.
First chart shows monthly figures, second shows bar chart per month, third shows bar chart per year
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Weather notes 2024 February set a new record for us, being the wettest February. This was also a national record. Nationally, May was the warmest since records began. So it was for us. 13th August was the warmest day of the year for us so far @ 33.5C. September was the second wettest in our records. But nationally, rain was 114.1 mms - not as wet as us! This was the hottest year (by 0.1C) of the 20 years of these records. 2023 February just missed (by 1.1 mm) being the driest February on record. And March just avoided (by 4.3 mms) being the wettest March (although it was, nationally). June was the hottest in national records and so it was in our area. July was the wettest July nationally, but not in our area. September was the hottest in my records, and also nationally. October was the wettest October nationally but not with us. This was the hottest year on record nationally, but in our area it was beaten by 2012 2022 July was aiming to be the driest month on record. But this was spoilt by 2.6 mms on the last two days of the month! 2020 On 13th August we had 54 mms of rain in about 30 minutes. This must be a record for the rate of downfall, although I don't have records to support that. Then later in the same month, on 16th, we had 32.5 mms in the 24 hours - not so severe but still a lot in one day. Despite these heavy amounts, August's rainfall was still not a record for that month and did not cause any flooding. In May, it didn't rain between 11th and 31st. And then in September it didn't rain between 3rd and 21st. On 23rd December we had 45 mms of rain. This produced the most severe floods in the living memory of some senior residents. This was less rain than in some previous days where there had been no flooding, but the land was very wet already. This was the wettest winter (Dec 20, Jan 21, Feb 21) on record. April 2021 was the coldest April on record. Not the driest, though. November 2021 was the driest November on record. |